Whether you are enrolling for the first time or submitting a required re-enrollment form, all enrollments must align with your assigned Cabarrus County school based on your home address. You can find your assigned school using the Find My School Tool.
You will start by completing the online enrollment form as outlined below, then await instructions from your home/zoned school on anything required to complete the enrollment process.
Families who are not able to complete the online process should contact the School Registrar at their home/zoned school. A school representative will be able to assist you with completing the online enrollment process, if needed.
You will receive emails from scribOnline@scribsoft.com to notify you of the status of your enrollment application. It is important you read those emails carefully as additional information may be required to process the enrollment.
Scribbles Account Setup/Configuración de cuenta de Scribbles
Creating a Scribbles account - English version / Crear una cuenta de Scribbles - Versión en español
To begin the enrollment process:
Click "New Student Enrollment" to create an account and submit an enrollment application.
click on links below for helpful how-to videos
Parents/ Legal Guardians of students new to the district will be asked to upload the following documents. Please make sure you have these ready when starting the electronic enrollment process. Please contact the school if you are unable to provide any of the listed documents.
Only parents or legal guardians may register students. Legal guardians must present court-ordered custody or guardianship documentation signed by a judge. Notarized statements and powers of attorney are not acceptable
Students who do not have this medical information completed 30 days following the start of school will not be allowed to attend until the requirements are met.
If your child has current immunizations please scan and email these to your school's registrar or enrollment liaison.
Effective July 1, 2016 every child entering in a NC public school for the first time must submit proof of a Health Assessment within 30 days of the start of school
If your child has had a physical or well check in the last year and you can access your healthcare provider, please have them complete the form and return to you. Please scan or forward the health assessment to your school's registrar or enrollment liaison as soon as possible. You must submit this form within 30 days from the return to school. For example, if school returned on May 18 you would have 30 calendar days to submit the form.
*Notarized statements or powers of attorney are not acceptable.
Any student moving from one school to another within Cabarrus County Schools because of a change in address or chosen school transfer (EC, Opportunity School and other county-directed moves not included) should complete an In-District Re-Enrollment form.
Cabarrus County Schools is using the Scribbles on-line enrollment system to allow parents the ability to complete this process from their laptop, cell phone, or desktop computer.
There is no need to come to any of our buildings to update enrollment. Parents will be required to utilize their account in Scribbles and provide two approved sources of address verification information. Parents should be sure to have their child's PowerSchool number on hand when starting this process.
Parents will be required to upload at least one document from each of the source categories listed below:
If you are not able to provide source 1 or source 2 from the list, please contact the school.
Please be sure to scan your entire lease agreement to include signature page or deed. Uploads can be done through your cellphone camera, which often has a pdf converter in the notes section.
Parents can click here to begin registration or set-up your Scribbles account.
If you have questions regarding enrollment, please feel free to contact the School Registrar at 704-260-5982 or email: Madeline.Morrison@cabarrus.k12.nc.us
Need help with enrollment? Please book a time with me here: Book time: Enrollment Appointments
To complete the Safe Schools Enrollment Document with the School Notary, please book here: Book time: Notary Appointments
Have a Change of Address???
Please submit a request through Scribbles. Here is a link to the online enrollment application system: In-district App-Change of Address
Log into your account, edit your profile, enter new address, upload required documents including picture ID, check the two boxes, hit continue, click in-district enrollment application for the correct school year, click on begin application and indicate reason as change of address.
You will be required to upload two proofs of residence and a picture ID before a request for new bus transportation can be submitted.
First proof - Deed, closing statement, settlement statement, property tax or lease/rental agreement (must show the property address, parent/guardian’s name, term of lease – begin and end date, and to include signature page)
Second proof - Utility bill (power, gas or water only) dated within the past 30 days or for new residents, the receipt of confirmation of utilities or you can request a verification letter of utilities from your utility company. Must state parent/guardian’s name, must show date(s), must show complete address (both service address and mailing address). We should be able to see the entire bill.
Please note that only the parent/legal guardian of the student can request a change of address and must have their name on both proof of residency. If you are living with someone within the Cabarrus County School District and your name is not on the two proofs of residency, please call 704.260.5982 and speak to the School Registrar or email: Madeline.Morrison@cabarrus.k12.nc.us
General Information
Cabarrus County Schools is now offering a secure website for former students and corporations to request transcripts and student records online.
Per District policy and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) student records are only available to those who have authorization from the student or parent, guardian or responsible person if the student is less than 18 years of age. If the student is 18 years of age or older, school records will not be released to a parent, guardian, or responsible person without the student’s written consent.
Please note the information below:
All records are fulfilled electronically whenever possible.
Please allow a minimum of 2 weeks for requests to be processed and delivered.
Requests for information must be completed online and will be processed on normal business days during normal business hours (Monday-Friday 7:00 AM-4:30 PM). Fax, emails, phones and mailed in requets will no longer be accepted.
You will receive emails from scribOnline@scribsoft.com to notify you of the status of your order. It is important you read those emails carefully as additional information may be required to process your request.
Click the appropriate link button below to request information.
Please note that this website is optimized for IE 9.0 and higher, Safari, Chrome and Firefox.
All requests will be checked for accuracy. Any inaccurate information may result in your record not being processed. All communication with regard to your order, payment, our progress, and the records delivery will be sent via email.
Select To Get Started:
CLICK HERE if you are a FORMER STUDENT and would like to order your student record or transcript
Record Request Information & Cost
*NC Health Assessment and Immunizations are due within 30 days of your student starting school. Any questions regarding this, please contact the School Nurse.