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February Meeting

Our next meeting is on 2/15 @2:20pm in the Stairatorium.

Logging Service Hours!

Download the National Beta Club app to your phone and log your service hours!  You still need to have a paper log with siguatures to turn in when they are due in April.

Fabric Needed!

Please donate fabric for our March service project….  Drop it off in B110 (Ms. Eudy’s room) or Mr. Peitz in B214.  Be sure to log 1 Beta service hour for the donation!

P2 Bulletin Board Updates

Every Friday during lunch, the bulletin boards on all 3 floors will be updated to reflect the next week’s P2 trait.  Volunteers who help earn 1 Beta hour each time.  Limited to 8 students…..first come, first served.  See Mr. Peitz in B214 to sign up.




Dr. John West Harris, a small-town farm boy turned wartime flying instructor, led the life of both an adventurer and scholar. Dr. Harris was a lauded proponent of education with A.B. and M.A. degrees from Wofford College, a Ph.D. from The University of North Carolina, a membership in Phi Betta Kappa and a year’s attendance at Columbia University Law School. His joy of learning led to a joy of teaching- both inside and outside of the classroom, stressing that academics and life experiences were equally valuable for personal and professional success. A well-rounded individual himself, Dr. Harris was the epitome of “lead by example”.

In 1934, the dream became a reality with the establishment of National Beta, a national organization devoted to honoring and recognizing students for their achievement, character and leadership qualities, as well as encouraging growth through service and comradery. From the first club of 15 members at Landrum High School in Landrum, SC to an international student organization with 500,000 members annually, National Beta has grown in size, but its focus, and values have held steadfast and true to the vision which Dr. Harris set forth.

At West Cabarrus High School, the National Senior Beta Club's mission is: To promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, service, and leadership among our students with a focus on the four pillars as follows:

1-ACHIEVEMENT - Recognizing and honoring high academic achievement
2-CHARACTER - Preparing young people for life and empowering them to be successful
3-LEADERSHIP - Developing the leaders of tomorrow
4-SERVICE - Demonstrating our motto: “Let Us Lead by Serving Others”  

Frequently Asked Questions?

  • Answer:

    You will receive an invite if you meet the academic criteria of a 3.25 GPA at the end of the school year.  For the 2023-24 school year, there was open enrollment based on GPA from grades 9-12.  For the 2024-25 school year, students in grades 10-12 will receive personalized invitations to join.

  • Answer:

    It is a minimum of 3.25 GPA.

  • Answer:

    40 hours need to be logged on a paper log by April 1st.  10 of thouse hours must come from attending monthly meetings and completing service projects with the club.  The remaining 30 hours are independent.

  • Answer:

    Beta meets every 3rd Thursday of the month.  Please see the calendar posted in ParentSquare for specific dates and events.

  • Answer:

    No.  You must pay dues each year to maintain membership.  New members pay a one-time induction fee of $40.  Returning members pay a due of $10 per year.  If you were in the Junior Beta Club in middle school, your membership DOES NOT transfer to the high school and you will pay the $40 induction fee.

  • Answer:

    No.  You are required to accumulate and earn 10 Beta-club specific hours.  We provide those hours at our monthly meetings. We understand that sometimes there are scheduling conflicts.  Plan accordingly to attend enough meetings to earn your 10 Beta hours by April.  If you fail to earn 10-required Beta club-specific hours, you WILL BE PLACED ON PROBATION.

  • Answer:

    If your GPA drops below a 3.25, you will be sent a letter in Parent Square and to your school email that you are placed on probation.  You have 1 quarter to bring up your GPA.  If you do not raise your GPA by the end of that quarter, you will forfeit your membership and be removed from the WCHS Beta Club roster.

  • Answer:

    Yes.  You must maintain a 3.25 GPA and complete your required 40 service hours by April.  If you fail to meet the requirements, you will be placed on a semester of “probation.”  If you are still not meeting the requirements after a semester of probation, you will be removed from the club roster.

  • Answer:

    No.  This club is voluntary and all events, activites, and meetings are planned with this in mind.  

  • Answer:

    Reach out to Mr. Peitz or Ms. Eudy.  We can discuss how to help you so you don’t miss out on Beta Club.

Advisors & Contact Information

Mr. Gregory Peitz
Ms. Mandy Eudy




Check out the National Beta Club website here:  

  • Chalk the Walk
    Chalk the Walk
  • Chalk the Walk
    Chalk the Walk
  • Chalk the Walk
    Chalk the Walk

You must have 40+ hours by the end of the school year. 10 of those hours must be Beta Club sponsored activities. The other 30 are done on your own.  There will be a December and an April turn in date for logs. You must log all 40+ hours by April 1st.

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS!  Please refer to the official New Members Handbook for information on what is expected of you as a Beta.